Saturday, May 06, 2006

Type Browsed HyperLink (XTextGen) "TypeBrowsedHyperLink" Allows you to browse to a file and places a hyperlink to that file into the current document.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Fractions (XTextChange) "Fractions" Formats the selected text in a fractional form. Try, for example, selecting 137/4578 in your document and then running the macro Fractions.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Display Character Code (Info) "DisplayCharacterCode" - Displays (on the application status bar) the ASCII code for current character.
See also DisplayAllCharacterCode, which will display a series of codes for a selection of text.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Type Date Const (TextGen) "TypeDateConst" - Types today'’s date as a formatted string at the selection point.; This data will be fixed in the document.
The format string is taken from your environment file. Use the "!T" (Tags details) GUI form to modify the details

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Header Footer (Headers) "HeaderFooter" - Build a set of headers & footers for the current document, different header and footer from the first page. The first time you run this macro you'll see my name and address details pop up in the headers and footers. Don't worry. Use the "!P" (Personal details) GUI form to modify the details, then run the HeaderFooter macro again.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Count Unique Words (Info) "CountUniqueWords" - Display a count of the number of unique words in the current selection or document.
Handy when you are composing an article and want to have some measure of its impact. Unique words often indicate unique ideas. By comparing the ratio of unique to all words, you can have an idea of how well you are tweaking your short article for better impact.
If you select no text, the count will be delivered on the entire document. You can exclude the address and saluation to gather information solely on the body of a letter.
See also "CountWords".

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Make Envelope From Selection (Envelopes) "MakeEnvelopeFromSelection" - Uses the selected text as an address, and bases a printable envelope on that text.
Typically, at the top of a letter, you will have typed or pasted the address of the person to whom the letter is addressed. Select that text then run the macro.
The first time you run this macro you'll see my name and address details pop up in the "return address" block. Don't worry. use the "!P" (Personal details) GUI form to modify the address; then create another envelope.
The !B GUI form lets you nominate an advertisement file (typically a Word document of about three short lines of text) that will fill the advertisement area on the face of the envelope, as allowed by Canada Post and some other postal authorities( to get you started.).