Insert Left Column (XTable) "InsertLeftColumn" - Places an extra column, with no visible grid lines, to the left of each table in the current document.
I use this as a simple means of indenting a table from the left hand side of the page.
I provide descriptions of macros that are useful to users of Microsoft Word. If you don't find your macro here, ask me! I may have it sitting in a drawer somewhere, or in the back of my mind .... (XTable) "InsertLeftColumn" - Places an extra column, with no visible grid lines, to the left of each table in the current document. (XTable) "ConvertToDelimitedFormAllTables" - Standard convert-to-text, but can be applied to a set of tables simultaneously. (XTable) "PageBreaksDisAllowFractionalTables" - Do not permit any table to break across a page. (XTable) "PageBreaksDisAllowRowsAllTablesAllRows" - Do not permit any row of any table to be broken across a page boundary. This corresponds to what you see (Word 2000) when you choose Table, Table Properties, Row, to wit, a check box with "Allow row to break Across pages". (XTable) "AutoFitContentOnlyFractionalTables" Only tables that are partially in the selected region of the document will be automatically aligned to best-fit their column width to the contents. See also "AutoFitContentAllTables". (XTable) "AutoFitContentOnlyEntireTables" Only tables that are entirely in the selected region of the document will be automatically aligned to best-fit their column width to the contents. See also "AutoFitContentAllTables".
Over this week I'll be documenting the new sets of table-related groups of macros. If you explore the lower part of the Table menu you will find a bewildering range of macros; I have scratched the surface as an experiment, and suspended development.