NoSplitBefore (XTable) "NoSplitBefore" - Applies Keep With Next to the paragraph preceding each selected row in ALL the tables in the document.
I provide descriptions of macros that are useful to users of Microsoft Word. If you don't find your macro here, ask me! I may have it sitting in a drawer somewhere, or in the back of my mind .... (XTable) "NoSplitBefore" - Applies Keep With Next to the paragraph preceding each selected row in ALL the tables in the document. (XTextChange) "GlueLetters" - Attempts to glue consecutive paragraphs into accumulated text by deleting paragraph marks that lie between alphabetic, digits, and specific punctuation. (XTable) "TableTriangularRectangular" - Creates a triangular table in your document. (XTable) "TableTriangular" - Creates a triangular table in your document. (XEnvelopes) "MakeEnvelopeFromSnapshot" - Uses the text in a snapshot file (GUIUnderTags) as an address, and bases a printable envelope on that text. (Info) "ShowComments" - Provides an opportunity to set or reset the Documents Comments field.. Inspect the document comments (File, Properties), then run the macro. (Info) "CountUniqueParagraphs" - Display a count of the number of unique paragraphs in the current selection or document. (Info) "CountUniqueParagraphs" - Display a count of the number of unique paragraphs in the current selection or document.