Saturday, June 03, 2006

NoSplitBefore (XTable) "NoSplitBefore" - Applies Keep With Next to the paragraph preceding each selected row in ALL the tables in the document.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Glue Letters (XTextChange) "GlueLetters" - Attempts to glue consecutive paragraphs into accumulated text by deleting paragraph marks that lie between alphabetic, digits, and specific punctuation.

To see this work, in a spare document, replace all spaces with paragraph marks (^p) yielding a rather long document of single-word paragraphs, then run the macro. It'’s not perfect, but it gets 90% of the job done.

Especially useful when treating text pasted from an email message.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Table Triangular Rectangular (XTable) "TableTriangularRectangular" - Creates a triangular table in your document.
You can specify the number of cells in the base row; each successive row will have one fewer cells; the final row will have one cell.

You specify a negative value for rows go from once cell to the number of cells, a positive value to go from the number of cells to one cell.

This is similar to "TableTriangular" in that the number of cells varies with each row, but the entire table has a rectangular outline.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Table Triangular (XTable) "TableTriangular" -– Creates a triangular table in your document.
You can specify the number of cells in the base row; each successive row will have one fewer cells; the final row will have one cell.
You specify a negative value to have rows go from once cell to the number of cells, a positive value to go from the number of cells to one cell.

I have uploaded a new version of Under
1,650 KB
Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Make Envelope FromSnapshot (XEnvelopes) "MakeEnvelopeFromSnapshot" - Uses the text in a snapshot file (GUIUnderTags) as an address, and bases a printable envelope on that text.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Show Comments (Info) "ShowComments" - Provides an opportunity to set or reset the Documents Comments field.. Inspect the document comments (File, Properties), then run the macro.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Count Unique Paragraphs (Info) "CountUniqueParagraphs" - Display a count of the number of unique paragraphs in the current selection or document.

Count Unique Paragraphs (Info) "CountUniqueParagraphs" - Display a count of the number of unique paragraphs in the current selection or document.